Monday, September 13, 2010

Who knew?

Questions, so many. Questions, unanswered. Life is full of them. I love quotes from movies and books, and sometimes articles. One of my favorite quotes is, "The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return." Ewan McGregor, Moulin Rouge. Great, no Fantastic, movie.
My favorite series right now is the Morganville Vampire series by Rachel Caine. I don't love vampires, or The Twilight series (I don't hate them either), but I fell in love with these books. I love romance novels, mystery novels, suspense novels, and sometimes action novels. But, I would have to say romance is my favorite of all time.

Another great movie would be, Tuck Everlasting starring Alexis Bledel as Winnie Foster and Jonathan Jackson as Jessie Tuck. The movie was about a young woman that was trapped at home and ran out to grab the truth of the outside world. Along the way she met the Tucks, and their life story on how to survive without ever dying. I cried during the cave scene when Miles was telling the story of his family. Amazing plot, I give it 4 and a quarter stars.

Another favorite movie would happen to be modern. It's a comedy called Kick-Ass. Don't be fooled by the title, because this was a well - made movie. It showed love, it wasn't normal love, it was fatherly - daughterly love. It was about a comic reader giving being a super- hero a chance, and getting his ass kicked. Soon after he became an internet celebrity, he inspired a father and daughter to take their revenge dressed as super-heros. I'd give it 4 stars total.

A very nice book would have to be Sweethearts by Sara Zarr. Wonderfully written, and very touching and inspiring. It's about a young girl named Jennifer Harris who had a childhood friend named Cameron Quick. She was picked on, and he was there to pick her up. They were both social outcasts that looked out for each other, until one day when Cameron disappears without warning, Jennifer was stranded alone. Now in high school, Jennifer has been transformed into a new and popular "Jenna". With her new life, her new friends, a new boyfriend, and everything "Jennifer" couldn't be, she still couldn't shake the memory of her long- lost friend. When Cameron reappears, they're both confronted with old memories and share old experiences that collide with new experiences.
Amazing book, and a very touching plot. I was inspired. I never thougth that such a past could collide with such a present/future. I give it 4 1/2 stars. It's missing a 1/2 because I believe that there could be more the story. Maybe a past school- mate could remember "Jennifer" and realize it in "Jenna". Lots of ideas.

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